Many fish will happily coexist as long as they have space and enough food. The small fish tend to fit perfectly in any tank. Glassfish are considered exotic. Green Neon Tetras have a beautiful all blue and green hue running across their body. You should keep them in schools of 6 or more fish to bring out their best qualities. They do great in smaller tanks with warm, soft water with tannins from driftwood and Catappa leaves. The Red Flame Gourami, and the Red Honey Gouramiand any combination of the above. Different fish species prefer different shaped aquariums and swimming spaces. Check out our list of top 10 beginner fish that are easy to care for and would make a great addition to your aquarium! Because of their sharp spines, most Cichlids will not try to eat them. These fish are best for those who are new to fishkeeping. Ideal tank mates include other types of danio, tetras, and corydoras. So, without further ado, here are the best freshwater aquarium fish combinations: The humble platy is kind of like a guppy in both appearance and coloring, but many fishkeepers believe that platies are even lower maintenance than guppies. Sail finned mollies require a bit more effort to keep healthy, making them a better choice for experienced aquarists. Slate is also non-toxic; similarly, granite is also safe. White Cloud Mountain Minnows are another common freshwater aquarium fish ideal for keeping at home. Since male killifish are known to become slightly aggressive with other male fish, these are often an ideal choice for intermediate or experienced aquarists with at least a 20 gallon tank. They also tend to mind their own business when they can’t see each other. Another popular choice for aquariums is the swordtail, a freshwater fish that looks something like a goldfish but does not grow as large. The Harlequin Rasboras is a popular choice among the peaceful, freshwater fish community folks, as it is incredibly lively and vibrant in appearance with a reddish copper hue. Best Freshwater Fish Combination List. Since they can be timid at times, they may get picked on (literally) but more aggressive fish. Tetra Cardinals Medium; Swordtail Koi Tricolor; Harlequin Rasboras; Blue German Ramirezi Cichlid; Swordtail Red Velvet; Black Molly; Guppy Female Assorted Colors; Sterbai Corydoras Cory Catfish; King Tiger Pleco; Betta Splendens Siamese. They are ideal for tanks 20-gallons and up and usually do well with betta fish. With many different dark patterns over tan, grey, and brown with impressive natural fins, they are a beautiful and interesting contrast to the Cichlids. They tend to do better in softer water and the tannins in the water tend to make their color really pop. Jack Dempsey (Rocio octofasciata):3. #5 Best Beginner Fish: Kribensis. Apistogramma have a similar appearance to both African and common South/Central American Cichlids. These fish are not compatible with most other species of fish. Check out our aquarium offerings. Just like many animal species across the globe, fish during breeding time can become especially defensive. Buy HENGTONGTONGXUN Fishing Rods, Freshwater Fish Rods, Various Types Of Suit Combinations, Carbon Sea Otters, Sea Fishing Rods, Portable Telescopic Travel Rods Baton (Shape : 1, Size : 3.6m) online on at best prices. Explore our database of tropical fish articles and learn about freshwater species, their aquarium care, and the latest fishkeeping news. You can find orange, blue, white, yellow, and red platies. Schooling fish are also less likely to be picked on when kept in large numbers. All of them are distinguished by their unpretentiousness, tolerance for conditions in the aquarium, peaceful nature, convenience for life, and modest size. Some fish—danios, upside down catfish, and rosy barbs—will swim at any level. They are extremely popular and come in hundreds of colors. And in a 5 gallon tank, small schools (typically 4-5 fish) are pretty much the maximum you can have unless you want to risk an ammonia spike. When someone thinks of a predatory fish, they often thing of a large, aggressive fish like what is found in the Cichlid family, but there are other species of freshwater predators such as Catfish, Arowanas, Leaf Fish, Bichirs, Gar, and more. Danio are considered peaceful, but if they are stressed, they will nip at fins. Since they stay small (5 inches/10 cm max) you don’t have to worry much about maintenance. They are usually placid. Ideally, the best freshwater aquarium fish combination is one with peaceful fish that fill every level of the tank—top, middle, and bottom. These fish are very active and have a unique sword-shaped tail. While hatchetfish are usually very peaceful, they are classified as intermediate difficulty because they have a tendency to leap out of the fish tank when alarmed. The entire body is covered in white (or orange) and black. All three of these gorgeous fish come from the same part of the world in South America in the Amazon region. But, I have still included some schooling fish on this list of best fish for a 5 gallon because, in my experience, they are beautiful and more than happy to live in a 5 gallon if given the proper conditions. You may also hear them referred to as “lace gourami.” They are bubble nest builders, much like betta fish, and they need plenty of fresh air. Platies need live plants and decorations to hide, even if they have plenty of other fish to form a school. As a bottom level dweller, loaches are a unique addition to any tank, because they look more like an eel than a fish. Here are fish that look like they come straight out of a Tim Burton film. It has a mouth that is as large as its head, so it will eat anything that fits into its maw. The age of a fish is also an important aspect to consider when building a community tank because juvenile fish typically tend to be easier going even if they are known to be aggressive as adults. They slow moving water, that is full of driftwood and other great places for hiding in. Seeing a beautiful school of Rummy Nose and Cardinal Tetras dart around the tank in search of bits of food is always a beautiful sight. However, they are also one of the best freshwater aquarium fish for use in a community tank, because they mind their own business. Considering the best freshwater aquarium fish combination will help you get track of the fishes to keep and how to use take care of them. In fact, smaller tanks get dirtier more quickly and require consistent clean up. A school of Tiger Barbs is striking with so much movement and their unique triangular body shape. 20 Best Freshwater Aquarium Fish Combination. Tetras are best kept in a school tank of at least 5-6 fish rather than a community one, but they are also very docile and pair well with danio and guppies, among others. The minimum tank size is 20 gallons. By doing some research, you can quickly come up with several combinations that will brighten up your tank. Pictus Catfish are also very fast swimmers that appear to be constantly moving, which is a nice contrast to a large Managuense which often maintain positions for some time. Copyright 2020-2021 © It is best to have a dedicated breeding tank in order to mitigate this problem. Visit our supplies page to select items for your freshwater environment. By. Avoid buying them, because they are prone to sickness, infection, and premature death. Rainbow Sharks are all black with bright red fins and a torpedo like body. You can pair platies with tetras, guppies, mollies, and many other fish on this list without any issues. Discus tend to hold their positions while making slower movements and posturizing towards each other. Next, we have some fish you can add to your tank if you are seasoned and know how to deal with various types of fish and their behaviors. Although freshwater aquariums can be set up as community tanks, coldwater and tropical fish are generally not mixed due to incompatibilities in temperature requirements.Coldwater aquariums house goldfish and other species that do not require a heating apparatus. Then, whatever fish combinations you choose, you will be successful. Freshwater Aquarium Fish, FishTankWeb.Com – You only want the best freshwater aquarium fish for your tank, just like anyone else does. They tend to stay in the lower regions of the aquarium except in some cases when feeding. Schooling fish are also less likely to be picked on when kept in large numbers. If you are a beginner aquarist, it is easy to overlook some key factors regarding stocking and tank mates and other things. List out everything you need to make your tank successful, including the type of plants you want, lighting, substrate, and what the best freshwater aquarium fish combinations would be for your tank. The minimum size is 10 gallons, and you can keep them in groups of 6 or more in larger tanks. Otherwise, you might wind up shopping for a whole new set up before too long. Plus, they mate for life! Danios are generally very active and fun to watch. While the Golden Dwarf Barb (Pethia gelius) is one of the less well-known Barbs, it is an ideal freshwater fish for a 10-gallon tank because it only grows to 1.5 inches. Neon Tetras, Glowlight Tetras, Harlequin Rasboras, White Clouds, Fancy Guppies, Corydoras Catfish, Glass Fish, Honey Gouramis, and Ghost Shrimp. Water temperature is also bound to fluctuate, affecting your fish. Territory and dominance hierarchies are particularly common in the Cichlid community, where pecking orders exist, and a smaller or submissive fish may be picked on and need to be removed for their safety. They can get up to a foot in length and make a great center piece fish that will capture people’s attention. In general, they are hearty and friendly, so they won’t become too territorial about their space. When looking for fish to combine, here are some topics we’ll cover: There are numerous factors to consider when choosing your aquarium, accessories and decor. These fish look like little aquatic zebras with silvery yellow and black scales and narrow bodies. Keep the water between 65-78 degrees F (18-25 degrees C). If you want to breed the fish, it is recommended to have 3 females to 1 male (a group of 4), but you can always just keep one gender without issues. It is recommended to add both Guppies and Cherry Barbs in groups of three or more with two females to every male to reduce and contain aggression. Smaller tanks are not easier to manage. Just make sure they are getting enough food! 40 gallons is the minimum tank size. Anyway, the best setup I can recommend for these guys is having 1 male and 2 to 3 female Peacock Gudgeons. Besides that, the aquatic creatures are simple and easy to maintain. You are not a scientist to know which pH is better for your fishes; hence an inert material is best left in the fish pond. For example, a wider aquarium gives active fish like the Danio and Barb the space to spread out, which as mentioned in the previous paragraph, helps them get along better. That is why we have come up with a list of fish to help you find the perfect combination for your aquarium. Now you can get to stocking your aquarium effortlessly! Generally, the corydoras grows to about 2.5 inches (6 cm) and have a lifespan of 3-5 years if the conditions of the tank remain around 72-79 degrees F (22-26 degrees C) with a pH of 6-8. The water temperature needs to be warmer, around 80-82 degrees F (26-27 degrees C), and the water requires a bit of acidity—around 6.0-7.0 pH. Peruse our selection of freshwater fish. That doesn’t inherently make them aggressive, just hungry. Corydoras are members of the Catfish family and you can add them to any freshwater fish community. The Kribensis (krib for short) is a dwarf species of cichlid that naturally inhabits the rivers of Africa. Oscar Fish (Astronotus ocellatus)8. Your email address will not be published. Most fish will be opportunistic with food. This is where the dither fish and bottom feeding fish come in. There are several kinds of tetras, but most of the fish require the same tank set up and care. They are often confused with the Dwarf Gourami as they have similarities in their shape and ... Celestial Pearl Danio is a freshwater fish found in small ponds in South East Asia. The Angelfish is naturally spotted in South America, in many rivers, including the Amazon. So, aquarium décor such as rocks, caves, driftwood, and other decorations help define territory for freshwater species such as Cichlids and other territorial fish. Linkedin. Bettas (Bettasplendens):5. This is a poor combination. Best Freshwater Fish for Your Home Aquarium To make it easier for you to create your first aquarium, we have compiled a list of the best aquarium fish for beginners. The minimum size tank for platies is 20 gallons. This deters the dominant fish from singling out the weaker/submissive fish. If you’re getting into freshwater aquariums for the first time, it can be intimidating to know which fish to pick. Avoid too many obstructive plants on the surface of the aquarium. This fish is native to northern India, Nepal and Bangladesh, and they are usually a … You might not know which fish … Top level fish are top feeders and will hang out around the surface of the aquarium. They are usually beginner-friendly, but they can grow quite large, too, making them more difficult to care for. For example, finding an appropriate fish compatible with Bettas can be challenging but our experts can help advise you. Popular top dwellers include halfbeaks and hatchetfish. Not only does this promote a more balanced aquarium, but it gives your fish more room to move around and remain peaceful. The best practice is to simply expect the unexpected and separate fish that don’t get along. Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi):4. There are three swim levels: top, middle, and bottom. Also, if you plan on having more than one kind of fish—which is why you’re here—then you cannot get a micro tank. A commonly used rule for stocking an aquarium is one inch of adult size fish per net gallon of aquarium capacity. Freshwater fish species, just like all animals, communicate in a variety of ways. Avoid having more than one male of a similar or closely related territorial species fish within a community, especially if females are present. Smaller fish tanks are often an for their limited ability to resisting changes in water chemistry.Your 20 gallon tank on the other hand, houses just the right amount of water to preserve optimal levels of dissolved chemicals in your aquarium.This buffering system helps keep your water quality in tip-top shape for an extended period, which ultimately means fewer and … Slate works best because it is inert and does not change the pH balance of the freshwater tanks. They get reasonably large but can still be kept in medium size aquariums successfully. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Best Freshwater Aquarium Fish Combination. Share. They are peaceful toward other fish and usually keep themselves busy dwelling at the bottom of the tank. They need lots of filtration in general and tend to make a mess when they eat. Mollies come in a number of shapes and sizes, but most of the time they are black and have either short fins or sail fins. There are plenty of fish who can be excellent tank mates, but the best freshwater aquarium fish combination is going to be one that works with the tank size, the plants, lighting, and other parameters. Many fish need a place to claim as their own, and fish define their personal territory by physical boundaries. Here is another visually appealing and docile fish for your tank. It is also important to remember the fish you buy will probably grow a bit, and a 40 gallon aquarium doesn’t truly hold 40 gallons of water when you consider such elements as internal dimensions, gravel, and plants or decorations. That is why, if you want to keep several fish, start out with a 20 gallon tank (or bigger), get the appropriate heating, filter, light, substrate, and everything else you need. If you want a harmonious tank, then you should choose fish that like to swim at different water levels within the tank. These fish are very passive when they have plenty of room, with 20 gallons being the minimum. Therefore, you should keep only females or only males to curb this behavior. When planning the environment for a combination of freshwater fish varieties, consider these issues: Some freshwater species, such as Tiger Barbs, Tetras, and Danios can be a little boisterous at times but tend to behave better when in large schools. The very active and striking Pictus Catfish is a great bottom feeder. Reason being, when fish are crowded together, they become more agitated and anxious and are therefore more likely to fight with their tank mates. Mollies can grow up to 4 inches (10 cm) and live around 2-3 years. Some freshwater species, such as Tiger Barbs, Tetras, and Danios can be a little boisterous at times but tend to behave better when in large schools. If you want to add these fish to your tank, you should keep in mind that any barb fish is going to become aggressive during mating season. A constantly moving school of colorful Peacock or Mbuna Cichlids from Lake Malawi and Lake Victoria makes for a striking. A favorite is the neon tetra with their bright red and blue striping. They are introverted fish that like a more tranquil setting, and they rarely depart from the bottom of the tank. Selecting fish species that get along can be a challenge every aquarium owner faces. Tiger Barbs will typically inhabit the middle to upper regions of the tank but are not afraid to go low in search of food. The minimal tank size for guppies is 10 gallons, but since they are best kept in a group, you should opt for a larger water volume. These fish look amazing together and get along well. As with most fish, adding groups of three or more is heavily recommended with Tiger Barbs. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel. Twitter. Swordtail Koi Tricolor; Tetra Cardinals Medium Harlequin Rasboras; Swordtail Red Velvet Best Tank Mates For Betta Sororities In Large Aquariums. Pictus Catfish are silver and white with interesting patterns of black to grey that cover much of their body. Otherwise, killifish are easy to care for. There are many colors available, including gold, red velvet, or even Koi tricolor. Corydoras Catfish (Corydoras): 7. Glassfish are native to South Asia, grow up to 3 inches (7.62 cm) in length, and prefer warmer, slightly acidic water. Most killifish, however, are quick swimmers, brightly colored, and love to leap from water. It’s not uncommon to get carried away when choosing your fish or plants; think about these things carefully. They swim around the top and middle levels, so give them plenty of space to dart around. Table of Contents Here is the list of 25 best freshwater aquarium fish to help you out.1. No fish begs for food or rapidly hunts its down as fast or intensely as African Cichlids. Removing the aggressive fish is another option, but the next fish in the order may assume the dominant role and continue the cycle of aggression. Young fish can often be mixed with a wider selection of aquarium mates because they’ll be more likely to accept them as they grow and mature. You might not know which fish are temperamental or which ones get territorial. Building your school with different varieties such as platinum and regular green, red albino, and common Tiger Barbs makes for an interesting and colorful display to contrast the red and black Rainbow Sharks. Best Freshwater Fish Combinations | Fish Tank Authority Tempe Allen. Make sure that their tank mates are not much larger, since loaches can fall prey to more aggressive and larger fish. Schooling fish are middle-level. These bright red fish come from the tropical waters of Sri Lanka. The Discus generally leave the Tetras alone and the Tetras tend to pick up scraps of food that the Discus miss. Even a relatively peaceful fish species will try to eat other fish if they think they can. Let’s get started. Many hobbyists love the peaceful, almost oblivious, personality of these tiny catfish. This combination creates an ideal contrast and a freshwater tank that appears to be bursting with life and beautiful colors. They are bound to make for an interesting addition to your tank—as long as you keep a lid on it. If none of the combinations above strikes your interest, we also have this handy compatibility chart to get you started. You shouldn’t buy fish larger than a full grown glassfish, however, because they may get eaten. A 25-30 gallon is considered the minimum. Being voracious and semi aggressive, they should not be kept with most Tetras except the larger, more robust varieties. They prefer to be in schools of 5 or more glassfish, but they will also live peacefully with their tank mates, such as platies, mollies, tetra, and guppies. Posted: (1 days ago) However, finding the best freshwater aquarium fish combination can be a challenge for both new and experienced fish keepers. Short finned mollies are typically easier to keep and much more common. One of the more hardy freshwater aquarium fish available for beginners are Danios. These are the fish who rarely leave the substrate and will quest along the bottom of the tank for food and debris. The best freshwater aquarium fish combination should be peaceful and nonaggressive. May 14, 2020 - Best Freshwater Aquarium Fish Combination  ☝ Find interesting Tips ThePets【Freshwater Tank Fish Combinations】 TOP-10 Freshwater Tank Fish Combinations Since guppies are adaptable and hardy, you can keep them in a number of environments. Fun fact: Corydoras catfish are just one of the over two thousand species of catfish. We can’t forget the popular zebra danio in our list of the best freshwater aquarium fish combinations. The bigger the school the better. Freshwater fish may be either coldwater or tropical species. Due to their hardiness, they are the perfect fish for people who don’t have much experience with setting up a tank. The Angelfish is among the most beautiful species you can get for your freshwater aquarium. Wherever you go to buy fish, you are bound to find guppies. Having a large aquariums with plenty of cover and décor does help, but many of these types of fish are best kept as individuals with tank mates that aren’t similar looking or closely related. There are many different varieties to choose from and they are generally peaceful towards many other types of community fish like Green Neon Tetras. Males are smaller than females, but both sexes are peaceful in a mixed tank. Rainbow Sharks do best in groups of three or more, often filling the bottom and middle portions of the aquarium, searching for food methodically in contrast to a rapidly swimming school of Tiger Barbs. They are small, fast-moving, and prone to nipping at bigger fish, which is why you should avoid combining small middle level swimmers with larger, slower fish, like barbs and angelfish or betta fish. Furthermore, if you do choose schooling fish, you will need to have enough of the same species for schooling to work (typically 5-6 fish in a school), which may decrease the number of species in the talk altogether. That is why it is best to buy fish that are about the same size as the others in your aquarium. You can keep loaches for up to 10 years in small groups (usually 3-4 fish). The minimum tank size for the kuhli loach is 20 gallons. You don’t even require much equipment. You can find Golden Wonder killifish in many pet stores. They make great aquarium pets in larger aquariums of at least 90 gallons or more. One way to help deter aggression when introducing new territorial fish to an existing community tank is to add a few new décor items and rearrange existing items in order to eliminate territories controlled by established fish. Larger fish such as Gouramis, Rainbowfish, or Angelfish also make interesting mid-level fish. Apistogramma are stunning and interesting fish that come from South America in the Amazon region. Many fish such as mollies, tetras, swordtails, and plecos can coexist with each other, with no worry of … In contrast, Discus typically avoid direct current and search for comfortable places to spend their time. Even though there are certain fish combinations we know with near certainty will or will not work in many instances, there are a multitude others that can go either way depending on a variety of circumstances.
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best freshwater fish combinations 2021