Can you help me , what is sutra and pravar of chatterjees? you can also read the article to know how many gunnas must be matched for successful marriage. What could be my genealogy. Arguments to debunk the Gotra marriage myth. In Hindu society, the term gotra (Sanskrit: गोत्र) is commonly considered to be equivalent to the clan. Hi, my name is Pravin Pandey, I am from Bhagalpur. Rs 500 and Rs 1000 note will not be in circulation from today midnight, Pros and Cons of Proposing a Girl for marriage, How to choose an engagement ring for a girl or a boy, Best themes to décor your home for bachelorette party. “Deev Deev Maharanya Maata Pitaah Shandilya gotra swaaha om Sarvassam sidhyasam sarvanaame (name of the couple) om haum Dijgajendra swami taswayi swaaha.” This is one of the most effective vashikaran mantra to break marriage. I am really ashamed of this. How could i consider my family as brahmin or not. or we adopted the bengali question is what is our original gotra? Y chromosomes, as already mentioned, have a hard time pairing up inside our bodies. It is common practice in preparation for Hindu marriage to inquire about the kula-gotra (clan lineage) of the bride and groom before approving the marriage. Thank you for the comment. This is why it has to be matched to be adapted and survive. My gotra is Savarna. how many gunnas must be matched for successful marriage. Since many gotras emerged from the original few, in the name of subsequent generation of the original rishis, as branches of the lineage, many such gotras have commonality in naming the additional two or four rishis, in the lineage. We can also see some rare examples of people changing their gotra doing some rituals. Can you tell me if he is a kulin or Brahmin kayastha or not? Sir,I am a Chakraborty,we follow Sama Veda and I came to know that our Gotra is Paiyatamashi,could you please throw some light on this as there is no information available about this anywhere and is this same as having a Shandilya Gotra? Thank you for your comment. Genetic deformities might occur somewhere down the line if two people of the same DNA marry. The only sure way is to check in Varanasi/ Benares. Since then, we have been invaded by the Mughals and the British East India Company and the Portugese and several other cultures from around the world have passed through the Indian subcontinent. I do not know what the problem is~? Thanks. are your cast province community and religion.? Thanks & Regards. As already mentioned before, thousands of years have passed and in this time, several clans have inter-collided. September 7, 2016 The compound word 'sagotra' is a union of the words 'sa' and 'gotra', where 'sa' means same or similar. আপনি নিজের কাজটা ভালবেসে করে যান.বাকি সব time pass. Lastly, amongst the Chatterjees there are two Gotras, for eg. my this comment is just a technical error..sorry, Any one mam know the saukalina gotra lineage of kulin kayastha which rishi it has came. I don't think it's correct to draw conclusions about the Gotra of Bhattacharyas, since it's a titular grant. Now Gotras are in every cast and what. Was it even about ancestors? I've read that Kashyap gotra holders are Brahmins, but we don't practice any such thing. But even then there are a few questions that need to be answered: What is astrology saying about same Gotra marriage? Is the groom a Brahmin? The best approach would be to interview a sample of 20 people per gotra  and see what they can say about their Vedic school and shakha, and then see if it matches with the conclusions above. Mahisya Matrimonial; Mahisya caste comprises Bengali Hindu people who are largely found in the states of West Bengal and Orissa. Hi, My name is Shubhonkor Choudhury. My genealogical data:: Chakraborty-Rarhi-Savarna-Sama Veda.Paternal Haplogroup:R-L657.According to a population geneticist I am a direct descendant of 'Legendry Arians'(south asian branch).In the perspective of traditional genealogy am I closely related to 'Gangulys' or am I a ganguly?.Thanks, Your blog is simply brilliant.Btw, I wanted to mention two points here:1. Leave a comment. my sister in law is Chatterjee but not of Kashyapa Gotra but Vatsa, on the other hand my maternal aunt who's married into a ghoti Chatterjee family is now of Kashyapa Gotra, Kashyapa being the predominant Gotra amongst Chatterjees.So I feel personally that the Gotras of the Bhattacharyas and also the Chakrabortys as well cannot be generalized and needs to be ascertained on an individual basis. But marriage within the jaati is allowed and even preferred. If a woman of one Gotra married someone of another, then the descendants of their other Gotra will increase and not that of the Gotra of her origin. Kshatriya VANSH-GOTRAS-KULDEVI RAJPUTS PLACES(Thikana) AND THERE GOTRAS Important branches of SuryavanshBranch Location Gotra KuldeviSuryavanshi UP & Uttranchal Kashyap ChandikaRaghuvanshi UP, Bihar, Raj,MP Kashyap,Vasistha KalikaNimivansha Bihar Vasishtha ChandikaNagvanshi Jharkhand, Orissa,MP Kashyap ChandikaGohil Vansha … Muslims marry within their own kith and kin – why then is it that they do not suffer from any genetic diseases? In this article I will talk about some facts and figures related to Brahmin population in India . GO TO TOP. But this is not the case – why? The Gotra system was formulated between 3000 and 4000 years and over these years, there have been continuous marriages outside the Gotras. A nice piece of work. Please suggest ways to find more about my lineage. our surname is chakraborty, my great grand father lived in jhikhira village in howrah district,as per our family history,one of our ancestor came from allahabad to jhikhira,his surname was MALAVIYA..he got married to a bengali girl & for this reason he was expelled from MALAVIYA SAMAJ, the zamindar of jhikhira village give him ''RAJ-CHAKRABORTY'' grandmother said we are gauda-vedic brahmin,not rarhi or question is what is the original gotra of ours?though we are writing ''shandilya''...but i have doubt about it,that malaviyas have shandilya gotra!!!! Hi!!! It is the gana o… ... Vashishtha and Kaśhyapa and Shandilya were known as the seven sages (also known as saptarishi); the progeny of these seven sages are declared to be gotras. Can you name any nice, informative books on this subject? As per Shastras, सौकालिन-गोत्रस्य सौकालिनाङ्गिरसबार्हस्पत्याप्सार-नैध्रुवाः | Saukalin Gotra is a non-Brahmin gotra belonging to the lineage of Angiras and Brihaspati. I am Majumdar but my gotra is Shaborno and I belong to the clan of Gangulys...... Me too. Thank you for sharing this information.If you liked this post, you may also like reading my other website on unexplored aspects of Hinduism called and particularly the below post on Vedas.7 Amazing Facts about Hindu Philosophy5 Interesting Facts about Rig Veda5 Amazing Facts about Atharva VedaRegards, A nice work. Glad you shared the details.You may also enjoy reading about migration of Brahmins throughout the ages.Regards. Source needed, Chakraborty Parashar gotra Yajur Veda. 7 years ago. Now even if you have separated and you are completely strangers to one another at this point, you two are actually siblings or relatives of some sort. We are Mukherjees but are Samavediya2. I want to know about kanyayano gotra of bengali brahmin. Would be interesting ! Cool, right? One would think that such issues do not have any base in reality some may also question that in today’s date and age when technology has progressed so much, why are we still looking at the Gotra to fix marriages? thank one confusion raising...u have mentioned yajur vedi malaviyas are sandilya...but in last line also mentioned my ancestor were sama is the confusion.. Shandilya Gotra's generally correspond to Sama Veda - but there are exceptions. Can you please assist me to find my root. It is the only chromosome which does not have any matching pair in human’s body. The whole idea behind same Gotra marriage is to preserve the Y chromosome. In Rajput and Gujjar caste marriage within people from same gotra as self, mother and grandmother is practiced. The marriages under same Gotra are forbidden due to the close connection of DNA among a boy and a girl if they belong to the same clan. 2. For example, the followers of Guru Shandilya were supposed to be of Shandilya clan, and so on. Its the only place in India where Brahmans have no respect for their ancestors culture and knowledge. Regards, NamasteThough I am not a bengali brahmin, I think I can help you at your queries. After reading several studies and science behind the practice, one is brought towards a few very striking questions: Historians are also of the belief that the same Gotra marriages are not to protect lineage but to protect the Gotra itself. Each gotra takes the name of a famous Rishi or sage who was the patrilineal forebear of that clan. So are exceptions quite common? Sir dear brahmins my gotra is saukalina can u tell me about this rishi lineage, Sir can u tell us lineage of saukalina gotra. Like I said earlier, Shandilya gotra seems more likely. I am Bengali Kayshthya Das and Alliman Gotra can any body tell me what caste I am ST SC or OBC. Our ishta devta is Adyashakti Devi Durga. In the mean time, could you provide the Bengali or Sanskrit spelling of your gotra? I am a Bhattacharya and I know for a fact that we are of Shandilya Gotra since we used to be Bannerjees earlier, similarly in my relative circle there are other Bhattacharyas as well with whom we were able to intermarry since they were of Savarna Gotra and used to be Gangulys earlier.Bannerjees are of the Sama Vedic school and as far as I know most of the Radh Shreni Brahmins like Bannerjees, Mukherjees, Chatterjees AND Gangulys are of the Sama Vedic school. you can also read the article to know about the nadi dosha in kundli. Several honor killings and several decades later this still persists in our society. They are also from Barendra Brahmin Clan. Your email address will not be published. Among those of the Brahmin caste, gotras are reckoned patrilineally. Sanyal Lahiri Bagchi are barendra Brahmins. According to the Rigveda, a Brahmin is only permitted to marry an individual outside their Gotra, with intra-gotra marriages (known as sagotri marriages) regarded as marriages between siblings, which according to Hindu scripture would lead to the birth of diseased offspring. My paternal aunt got married to Goswami Bharadwaj Gotra, Rigveda. You can also recite this to cancel the marriage. So basically if we switch the terms “Gotra” with “DNA” it means that the person is of the same clan as you. My Title is Roy Pratihar/Ray Pratihar Origin from Manik Bazar ( Sonamukhi ) Gotro Kashhyapa . We can still see that people of the same Gotra are getting married and some even have healthy babies. Thanks, u have not told anything about rudraj brahmin. It is believed that the Y chromosome gets deteriorated with negligible chances of getting repaired. Their names were Anadivara Simha, Soma Ghosha, Purusottama Dasa, Deva Datta and Sudarsana Mitra and their respective gotras were Vatsya, Saukalina, Maudgalya, Kasyapa and Visvamitra.Soma Ghosha of Saukalina Gotra:Soma Ghosha who come to Radha was born in the family of Suryapada of Ayodhya. But I dont know my Pravar and sutra. I know Talapatra is not our original surname, it is just a title like Roy. Now the question is – do people who belong to the same Gotra always have the same clan? From matrimonial point of view, we have given the mis-matching Gotras in the same table cell. The progenitors already had their Gotras. My father was about 4-5 years old that time. May be because we don't know if we are Brahmins or not. If your ancestors went there earlier for religious purpose, records would have been made. I heard that all chatterjee in bengal are of common ancestor so can any chatterjee tell their sutra and pravar please. Vatsa Gotra generally follow Sama Veda school. What should be diet of groom before marriage? Generally the gotra forms an exogamous unit, with the marriage within the same gotra being prohibited by custom, being regarded as incest. Many lines of descent from the major rishis were later grouped separately. The roots of the lineage and DNAs have been separated. Please get in touch with State Govt and Central Govt departments who handle such useless matters by publishing useless lists. Apart from sakala, Krishna and Shukla yajurved, all other Veda shakhas are dying, and hopefully vanga will also make its contribution to Vedic recitation and ritual. For Bengal----------Kayastas are not Brahmins.Brahmins are of two main types - Radhi and Varendra.Common surnames are Mukhopadhyay/ Mukherjee, Bandyopadhyaya/ Banerjee, Chaterjee, Ganguly, Ghoshal, Sanyal, Maitra, Bagchi, Kanjilal etcCommon titles are Bhattacharya, Chakrabarty [Acharya, Goswami] [Some Ray's, Majumdar's are Brahmins]Less common surnames - Sharma, Mishra etc. How to get rid of oily skin permanently and naturally. Paschatya Vaidik. Sir my gotra is saukalina can u tell me about my lineage from vedas. I am Chakraborty-Gargya gotra. It broadly refers to people who are descendants in an unbroken male line from a common male ancestor or patriline. The word "Gotra" means "lineage" in the Sanskritgotra,as given names may reflect the traditional occupation, place of residence or other important family characteristic rather than gotra.language. Gotra and Surnames. I will look into this and get back to you. Dear Subhodeep,My parents are from Dacca. Dear Sir,I am a South Indian Brahmin of Srivatsa gotra. I am baidik chakrabarty of rathitara gotra.this gotra is not included in your discussion.I am a brahmin from dhaka. A few Malviya Shandilya's also follow Yajur Veda, but mostly they are Sama Vedins.Plus more than 80% of Bengali Brahmins irrespective of where they came from, belong to Sama Veda school (Kauthuma Shakha).However these rules are not fixed - I am a Yajur Vedi, but if I receive Diksha and training from a Rig Vedi brahmin, I may change my Veda and become Rig Vedin. In some cases, the new tradition completely superceded the previous tradition.Hope this helps !Thanks,Subhodeep Mukhopadhyay. The results were in favor of the Vedic Gotra system. Dear Sir,A potential groom for my daughter is a Maudgalya gotra and kayastha. Here Indra, Agni and Soma deities are mainly invoked and praised but most of the time these prayers seem to be the invocations for the Supreme Being. The name of the gotra can be used as a surname, but it is different from a surname and is strictly maintained because of it… thanks in advance.. finally, I find a bengali man with spunks.. Salut. Each of the rishis has their own Gotra and therefore the back trace of these Gotras lead to one common ancestor – which is one of the seven rishis that came down to Earth. 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Although it is not set in stone that the couple will have unhealthy babies, the chances of having autistic children and genetically deformed babies is the highest with people who marry in the same clan. Kanva Shakhi. Benares pandits have 100% information for many generations. Saukalin Gotra is a non-Brahmin gotra belonging to the lineage of Angiras and Brihaspati. Awesome Inc. theme. Technically both these gotras do not match with each other, so marriage in these two is not possible. When you use 'Rigveda' as a single word, the spelling looks correct. What exactly it means by word “Gotra”? So what was the need for sub Gotra system? Generally, the gotra forms an exogamous unit, with the marriage within the same gotra being prohibited by custom, being regarded as incest. Generally, the gotra forms an exogamous unit, with the marriage within the same gotra being prohibited by custom, being regarded as incest. I never understood how progeny of Rishis were blessed/allowed to start new Gotra system. Okay just because someone told you that the person you want to marry is your kith and kin, you don’t have to believe it – not at this day and age where the ancient systems make no sense. But does that gotra belong to a Kulin Kayastha or Brahmin kayastha? According to the study the allele frequency differences between the Indians were larger than that of those in the Europe. Does it relevant point to take into concern in the present era? YOU ASSUMED THAT SANAYALS ARE SAAMVEDIKS BUT I AM A SANYAL AND I AM A RIGVEDIK BRAHMIN.SO I THINK THAT YOU SHOULD NOT COME TO THIS CONCLUTION THAT ALL SANYALS ARE SAAVEDINS.I WANT TO KNOW MY SHAKHA.PLS HELP OR SUGGEST ME SOMETHING. The term gotra was then frequently started being applied to the ganasand to the sub-ganas. Her surname is Goswami, Gotra Bharadwaja, and Veda Rig. Required fields are marked *. Abhi Roy(Bagchi). Actually I was looking for Upanishads of My own Shakha.Our traditional family surname is Bagchi and veda is Sama ved. All the families sharing a common cow-pen (where you kept cattle during the night) were generally from a same extended family and hence marriage among them was strictly forbidden. This is especially interesting, as usual your meticulous research is amazingly brilliant.I have also encountered a few cases of such anomaly in which Mukherjees claim to be belonging to the Sama Vedic Kauthumi Sakha. So far I know, Talapatra is our title, like Roy not the surname.
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shandilya gotra marriage 2021